Bernie Sanders: Controlled Opposition (self.conspiracy)
submitted by birthdaysuit11
Bernie is funded by a man who goes by the name of George Soros. No conspiracy here its just hypocritical to take donations from a man who is part of the tip top 1%. And now it has come to our knowledge that he will vote for Hilary Clinton, someone he supposedly fundamentally disagrees with.
NDAA: Bernie Sanders: YES, Appropriates $80.71 billion for overseas contingency operations for fiscal year 2014 (Secs. 4102, 4202, 4302, 4402 & 4502). As well as removing due process giving the government total control over who gets due process & who doesn’t. It permits the military to detain individuals indefinitely without trial. Bernie sanders voted yes on this, not to mention the increase in defense spending?Source:
Cyber Security Act: Bernie Sanders: YES, this bill is very simple to understand, tt literally destroys net neutrality. Generally speaking, net neutrality means that an Internet service provider such as cable or phone company treats all content equally. For example, it doesn’t offer faster transmissions for Netflix videos than it does for those from Amazon Prime. Bernie sanders voted yes to passing this bill…. Had that been passed internet would have been utterly destroyed as we know it.Source:
Amdt 2372: Bernie Sanders:NO, This bill is simple to understand why it is needed. It Prohibits the EPA from spying on farmers. And it adds better regulation to school meal programs & provides better healthier food for the kids. It also provides better regulation on what chemicals are put in our food. Bernie sanders voted no on this decent bill. Source:
USA FREEDOM Act: Bernie Sanders: YES, this bill is also very simple to understand, it extends the patriot act (implemented by bush), The patriot act is a bill that expands federal law enforcement power. It erodes our freedoms by, allowing the government to watch & monitor our phone calls, emails, texts, etc. Basically eliminating the right to privacy in your own home. The fact this bill extends the patriot act is horrible & Bernie Sanders voted for it. Source:
Amdt 139: Bernie Sanders: NO, this bill again is simple to understand. This bill prevents the UNITED NATIONS from taking away our fire arms. It basically strips the UNITED NATIONS of any law enforcement in America period. Source:
Amdt 1491: Bernie Sanders: NO, again this bill is very simple to understand as well. It extends the STOCK Act to ensure that the reporting requirements set forth in the STOCK Act apply to the executive branch and independent agencies. It prevents companies from evading taxes. Source:
In 1993, Bernie Sanders voted YEA on HR 2446 – Military Construction Fiscal Year 1994 Appropriations Bill, which provided $3.63 billion for military construction.
That same year, he also voted in favor of S J Res 45 – Authorization for Use of US Armed Forces in Somalia, which authorized President Bill Clinton to use US troops in Somalia for the purpose of providing logistical support to the United Nations peacekeeping force.
In 1994, Bernie voted in favor of HR 4453 – Military Construction FY95 Appropriations bill, which provided $2.52 billion for military construction.
The following year, Bernie voted in favor of HR 3107 – Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996, which “imposes sanctions on persons exporting certain goods or technology that would enhance Iran’s ability to explore for, extract, refine, or transport by pipeline petroleum resources, and for other purposes.
In 1997, Bernie voted for HR 2159 – Foreign Operations FY98 Appropriations bill, which included: $3 billion for Israel, including $1.8 billion in military assistance and $1.2 billion in economic assistance; $2.12 billion for Egypt, including $1.3 billion in military assistance and $815 million in economic assistance; $770 million for former Soviet Republics; and $215 million for international narcotics control and law enforcement. (He also changed his mind on this now he speaks about drugs not being illegal)
He also voted for HR 4059 – Military Construction FY99 Appropriations bill, which provided $2.82 billion for general military construction.
In 1998, Bernie’s name was included as a YEA vote on HR 4655, the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998, which expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the aim of the United States to remove Saddam Hussein from power. President George W. Bush later used the Iraqi Liberation Act to provide justification for military action for the 2003 invasion.
In 1999, Bernie voted for HR 2465, which provided $4 billion for military construction, and he voted for HR 3196, which provided: $2.16 billion for military and economic assistance to Israel; $760 million for military and economic assistance to Egypt; $535 million for Eastern European and the Baltic States, including $150 million for assistance to Kosovo; $300 million for military and economic assistance to Jordan; and $285 million for international narcotics control.Voted NO on restricting UN funding for population control policies.
(Mar 2009)Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)Voted YES on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package.
(Feb 2009) Voted YES on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy.
(Sep 2008) Voted NO on protecting middle-income taxpayers from a national energy tax.
(Apr 2009) Voted NO on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years.
(Mar 2001) Voted YES on Congressional pay raise.
(Jul 2009) Voted NO on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections.
(Sep 2006)Bernie voted in favor of HR 3107 – Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996, which “imposes sanctions on persons exporting certain goods or technology that would enhance Iran’s ability to explore for, extract, refine, or transport by pipeline petroleum resources, and for other purposes.
In 1997, Bernie voted for HR 2159 – Foreign Operations FY98 Appropriations bill, which included: $3 billion for Israel, including $1.8 billion in military assistance and $1.2 billion in economic assistance; $2.12 billion for Egypt, including $1.3 billion in military assistance and $815 million in economic assistance; $770 million for former Soviet Republics; and $215 million for international narcotics control and law enforcement.
He also voted for HR 4059 – Military Construction FY99 Appropriations bill, which provided $2.82 billion for general military construction.
In 1998, Bernie’s name was included as a YEA vote on HR 4655, the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998, which expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the aim of the United States to remove Saddam Hussein from power.President George W. Bush later used the Iraqi Liberation Act to provide justification for military action for the 2003 invasion.
In 1999, Bernie voted for HR 2465, which provided $4 billion for military construction, and he voted for HR 3196, which provided: $2.16 billion for military and economic assistance to Israel; $760 million for military and economic assistance to Egypt; $535 million for Eastern European and the Baltic States, including $150 million for assistance to Kosovo; $300 million for military and economic assistance to Jordan; and $285 million for international narcotics control.Writes Ron Jacobs of Counter Punch, 3/31/2003:”For those of us with a memory longer than the average US news reporter, we can remember Bernie’s staunch support for Clinton’s 100-day bombing of Yugoslavia and Kosovo in 1999. I served as a support person for a dozen or so Vermonters who sat-in in his Burlington office a couple weeks into that war. Not only did Sanders refuse to talk with us via telephone (unlike his Vermont counterparts in the Senate-Leahy and Jeffords), he had his staff call the local police to arrest those who refused to leave until Sanders spoke with them. The following week Sanders held a town hall meeting in Montpelier, VT., where he surrounded himself with sympathetic war supporters and one university professor who opposed the war and Bernie’s support for it. During the question and answer part of the meeting, Sanders yelled at two of the audience’s most vocal opponents to his position and told them to leave if they didn’t like what he had to say.
In 2001, Bernie supported HR 1954, which extended the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act of 1996.
Following the 9/11 attacks, Bernie voted in favor of H J Res 64 – Authorization for Use of Military Force, which allowed President Bush to use the United States Armed Forces against anyone involved with 9/11 and any nation that harbors these individuals.
In 2002, Bernie voted against H J Res 114, which authorized President Bush to use military force against Iraq. However, he would continue to support bloated military defense bills that would ultimately be used to sustain the war he allegedly disagreed with.
In 2003, Bernie supported HR 5010, which provided $355.1 billion in appropriations for the Defense Department for fiscal year 2003 – an increase of $37.5 billion from 2002 – as well as: $71.6 billion for procurement of aircraft, missiles, weapons, combat vehicles and shipbuilding; $7.4 billion for ballistic missile defense; and $58.4 million for foreign aid, which includes humanitarian assistance, foreign disaster relief and de-mining programs.
He also voted in favor of HR 2800 – Foreign Operations Appropriations, FY 2004 bill, which granted $1.8 billion in military and economic assistance to Egypt and $2.2 billion for Israeli military assistance.
In 2004, Bernie supported HR 4613, which allocated $25 billion for emergency defense spending for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and $77.4 billion for the procurement of new weapons.
In 2005, Sanders supported HR 2863 – Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations Bill, which provided $50 billion for ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In 2006, Bernie voted for HR 5631, which provided $70 billion for ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In 2007, he supported HR 1585 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, which granted $187.14 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan operations.
In 2009, he voted in favor of HR 2647, which authorized $309 million for research and evaluation, procurement, or deployment of an alternative Missile Defense System in Europe, and also allowed the Secretary of Defense to increase the active-duty number for the US Army to a number greater than otherwise allowed by law up to the 2010 baseline plus 30,000 troops. During the same year, he called closing the torturous gulag at Guantanamo a “complicated issue” and ultimately rejected a proposal to shut it down.
In 2011, Bernie co-sponsored S. Res. 85, which urged the UN Security Council to take action to protect civilians in Libya from attack, including the possible imposition of a no-fly zone over Libyan territory.
In 2014, Bernie came out in favor of levying economic sanctions (an act of war) against Russia: “The entire world has got to stand up to Putin,” he said. “We’ve got to deal with sanctions.”That same year, Bernie didn’t object to having his name included – by unanimous consent – in S.498, which backed Israel’s brutal, summer-long military assault against Gaza.Most recently, he vowed to continue Obama’s murderous international drone war.
Bernie also supports funneling weapons into Iraq to fight ISIS as well as airstrikes, and he continues to spread the myth that Iran seeks to build nuclear weapons.
All of this information is publicly available and verifiable with a Google search. But hes for the people right? Bernie Sanders has a terrible voting record that tramples on the constitution and wastes billions of dollars. Sanders is proof that if you speak with a gravely, authoritative voice and tell people what they want to hear, you can gain national attention. Only once every several decades does someone come along who is so cunning, manipulative and masterful at combining nationalism, authoritarianism, propaganda and hatred into one slick campaign. Not sure what is more amazing, how brilliantly he is executing this strategy while working to appear folky or how many people are falling for it. It’s really stunning. Please Bernie is not the savior you are looking for. Read some books about high level manipulation techniques and carefully analyze the lack of substance in what he says.
Written by user rk3yb0arD – And no, just because I dislike Bernie and Hilary does not mean I support Trump in the slightest. Thank you very much.