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David Muir: Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, now being summoned to testify on Benghazi before a House committee, not once, but twice. And Mrs. Clinton tonight facing something else, as well. A firestorm as questions mount about cash donations to the Clinton Foundation and from whom.
ABC’s Cecelia Vega, reporter: Hillary Clinton tonight taking the stage to roaring applause.
Hillary Clinton: “I wanted to be here regardless of what else I was doing.”
Cecelia Vega: But today, the spotlight right here on the Clinton Foundation. Report after report questioning foreign donations it accepted while Clinton was Secretary of State. “The New York Times” reporting that as Clinton’s state department was signing off on the sale of one of America’s largest uranium mines to Russia, the mine’s chairman used his family’s charity to donate more than $2 million to the Clinton Foundation. And despite promises of transparency, those donations never disclosed. …
Cecelia Vega: On the campaign trail, we asked Clinton about the allegations. Did foreign entities receive any special treatment for making my kind of donations to the foundation or your husband?
Hillary Clinton: “The Republicans seem to be talking only about me. I don’t know what they’d talk about if I weren’t in the race.”
Cecelia Vega: Clinton’s camp now calling the claims of undue influence totally baseless and partisan conspiracy theories. But daughter Chelsea today promising even more transparency.
Chelsea Clinton: “We will be even more transparent.”
David Muir: You can see Chelsea Clinton coming to the defense of her mother, but she also said, you won’t see much of me during the campaign, because I’m a new mom.
Cecelia Vega: She’s a huge asset to this campaign and the campaign staff knows that the donation allegations are not going away any time soon. I would be shocked if we don’t see Chelsea playing a big role for 2016. But look, when she’s out there, and the same for the rest of the Clinton family, as we saw today, they are all going to be facing tough questions, David.
David Muir: These questions aren’t going away. Cecilia, thank you