Dear Mr. Buffett:
On my political-tax blog, The Barefoot Accountant ( I have downloaded and transcribed a number of the videos published on your views regarding our current tax policy. I applaud and appreciate your bold, sincere, and honorable appeals for a fairer tax policy in the United States.
I am a 64 year-old certified public accountant, who recalls the 91% highest effective marginal tax rate when Dwight Eisenhower was President. In fact, when I was a boy, I saw President Eisenhower in Washington D.C. It was a sight that I will never forget.
I grew up in New Britain, Connecticut, which was once the Hardware City of the World. Now, sadly, it is the largest man-made prairie in New England. All of its industry has been shipped overseas, leaving many thousands of its residents without employment.
My father, a tool and die maker by trade, started his own shop back in the 1940s. His brothers operated the first television store in New Britain after serving in the Pacific during World War II. Many of my relatives had small businesses of their own. Virtually all of those small businesses have disappeared.
I now operate a small certified public accounting firm catering to small businesses and nonprofits. These small businesses create jobs here in America, not overseas. We now all yearn for a voice for small businesses and working-class Americans since Washington appears to be controlled by large multinational corporations and a small “elite” class of citizens.
We appeal to you to represent us because you have the voice that we need. You are honest, honorable, patriotic, equitable, bold, eloquent, financially astute, and trustworthy.
I have started a petition for you to run for President. Please consider running for the Presidency. I would work tirelessly on your behalf. I love this country and owe it so very much. I am saddened to see what has transpired over the past thirty years: the greatest transfer of wealth to a small segment of our nation. This is not in the best interests of anyone.
If there is anything that I can do for you, please contact me.
And please keep speaking out on behalf of us. You are truly a great man. God bless you.
Love and respect,
William Brighenti, CPA
Accountants CPA Hartford, Connecticut, LLC
I failed to add that Warren Buffett has that voice of inspiration, reminiscent of a Franklin Roosevelt. Middle Class America needs that voice so desperately today. I only wish that Mr. Buffett would read my email. I regard him in the same way that I regard Senator Bernie Sanders, Alan Grayson, and Russ Feingold: with sincere admiration, trust, and respect.
Has Mr Buffett been contacted about a third party run? Have any national polls been conducted? Your ideas that he would be an ideal alternative to the Dems and Republicans I share. We need Congressional reforms of their perks, entitlement reforms of SS and Medicare which Buffett could do better than anyone. It is not too late for him to accept one of the existing third parties registered in all 51 states. I think he would win. Many liberals like myself who supported Obama before are disillusioned that he will ever be able to balance the budget or carry out the reforms needed to save our country. I know Mr Buffett is a patriot who would no turn down a draft, if we could mount one.
Please see the blog entry above: I emailed Warren Buffett’s office yesterday.
Thank you,
The Barefoot Accountant