UYGUR: For our “Con Job of the Day,” we`ll take a look at the bait- and-switch move that the House Republicans have pulled to work on their real priorities instead of jobs. House Republicans couldn`t talk enough about jobs when they were in the minority.
REP. JOHN BOEHNER (R-OH), MINORITY LEADER: The American people are still asking the question, where are the jobs?
ERIC CANTOR (R-VA), MINORITY WHIP: This election is about work. It`s about getting people back to work.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are determined to fight for the future of the American people, to create jobs.
UYGUR: So you would think they would be gung ho to pass some job bills, right? Of course not.
The number of jobs bills proposed so far? You guessed it, zero. Or as they would say on Cinco de Mayo, nada.
Instead, they`re pushing social issues and helping big banks. Of course! That`s what they always do.
Just yesterday, the House passed a bill to permanent ban federal funding for abortion; ban tax credits for businesses that cover abortions under their health insurance plans; and bar women from counting the cost of an abortion as a deductible medical expense.
Great. So, instead of attacking the jobs issues, they immediately started attacking women`s rights.
Now, if you`re a woman who voted for them thinking that they were going to help you find a job, how do you feel now?
And, of course, two House committees also voted to advance bills to weaken the new financial regulations. One would delay implementing new rules governing to — while the other would limit the power of the new consumer financial protection bureau. Out of control derivatives are what sunk the economy in the first place. And now the Republicans want to let the banks do the same exact thing again? And these guys pretend to be against the bailouts? Please. But Boehner says by doing things like limiting the abortions, the house is keeping good on its promises.
REP. JOHN BOEHNER (R-OH), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Today we`re taking another step toward media commitment in keeping our word.
UYGUR: How about your word on creating jobs? House Republicans campaign on jobs but deliver on their social agenda in giving the Wall Street donors another huge break. And that`s our con job of the day.