Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Barefoot Accountant interviews Connecticut’s Democratic candidate for the United States Senate, Susan Bysiewicz. Video and transcript of interview, Part I: How the government can create jobs

William Brighenti, the Barefoot Accountant, presents the first of eight segments of an exclusive interview with former Connecticut Secretary of State, Susan Bysiewicz, who is running in the Connecticut Democratic primary for the United States Senate. Part I: how does the government create jobs in America during this never ending recession. Continue reading

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Sign the petition to draft Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont to run for President in 2012 and challenge Barack Obama from the left.

The Republicans have moved to the extreme right on the political spectrum, allowing President Obama to inch over to the right of center for political advantage. Progressives need a choice to Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. There has been consistently one champion for all Progressives since Obama assumed office as president, and that champion has been Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont.

Please sign the petition to urge Senator Bernie Sanders to run for President. The future of the middle class and your children depends upon it.

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Firedoglake is as bad as MSNBC when it comes to “editing” material on its website

Is firedoglake too controlled by its editors, not allowing discussion of controversial subject matter? The Barefoot Accountant thinks it may be. Continue reading

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Petition Mayor Adam Salina of Berlin, Connecticut to stop raising property taxes

The taxpayers of Berlin, Connecticut cannot afford another increase in property taxes. We, the undersigned taxpayers, petition you to hold the line on property taxes and not to increase property taxes as long as unemployment remains above 5% in our country.

It is time to exercise fiscal restraint. No more increases in property taxes until or unless our economy recovers. Many of your citizens are suffering severe economic hardships, including the loss of jobs and homes, if not bankruptcy.

Please stop raising property taxes in Berlin, Connecticut. Property taxes are a regressive form of taxation; consequently, we need you to protect the wallets of the middle class citizens of Berlin, Connecticut by opposing any further increases in property taxes. Continue reading

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